National Cancer Survivors Day

Today is a precious opportunity for survivors and families to connect with each other and honor those who have held them along the way.

Surviving cancer might mean different things to different people. But, because the disease can affect everyone, this first Sunday of June, we observe National Cancer Survivors Day to recognize patients with a history of cancer and raise awareness of their challenges while celebrating their lives.

Today in the United States, there are more than 18 million people who are either undergoing or have undergone cancer treatment. The celebration is led by the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation, which recognizes survivors as anyone with a history of cancer, from diagnosis through the remainder of their lives.

Support after surviving cancer

Cancer treatment is often demanding, and most patients experience deep relief when it subsides. However, many survivors might find new challenges like anxiety, uncertainty about the future, or even fear that cancer may return. Here is where the support of individuals, authorities, and organizations becomes more needed. The support requirements of cancer survivors might be just as much as those when they were on active treatment.

Here are some cancer survivors’ concerns:

  • Physical side effects

  • Emotional troubles

  • Financial setbacks

  • Increased risk for more health problems

National Cancer Survivors Day aims to increase awareness about these challenges of cancer survivorship, but a crucial goal is also to call to action for more resources and increased cancer research donations to improve the quality of life of cancer survivors.

cancer survivor

How to observe National Cancer Survivors Day?

We can always take a moment to honor cancer survivors. They represent a triumph over the disease and the top of the cancer journey. Celebrating cancer survivors encompasses emotional, physical, and psychosocial factors of long-term well-being.

Some meaningful ways to celebrate this day:

  • Attend or host a fundraising event

  • Learn more about cancer survivorship

  • Offer a listening ear

  • Spread the word on social media

National Cancer Survivors Day offers a precious opportunity for survivors and families to connect with each other and honor those who have held them along the way.

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Signature Health Services is pleased to accept the following insurance, which covers the cost of in-home nursing care and therapy:

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