Fall Prevention Awareness Month

3 million older adults are received in emergency rooms every year for fall-related injuries, and almost 20% of these falls result in serious injuries

Every year, nearly 3 million older adults are received in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries, and almost 20% of these falls result in catastrophic injuries such as broken bones or head trauma. According to the CDC, an even more concerning statistic is that an older adult dies from a fall every twenty minutes. This statistic is especially concerning for people with impairments, who may require more care.

This article allows readers to learn about fall prevention materials and how-to methods to minimize an accident for elders and impaired patients.

Examine your health

Discuss with your physician to evaluate your medications. Inquire about potential prescription side effects (like feeling dizzy, sleepy, or sluggish) that may raise your risk of falling.

Before seeing your doctor, you can conduct a self-assessment to identify your fall risk. Vision and hearing also contribute to maintaining balance, so have your sight and hearing examined, preferably every six months or, at minimum, annually.

fall prevention graphic

Alarm systems can reduce the danger

Seniors and their carers have access to various alarm systems, as these are the most prevalent emergency tools. Many alarm systems consist of a simple button for the user to press in the event of a fall, feeling dizzy, or unsteady. Alarms can be installed on chairs or rugs to alert a caretaker when the person gets up from a seated or lying position, thereby preventing falls. Wearable and stationary alarms make it simple for caregivers to receive a notification or emergency alert and respond accordingly if a fall occurs.

Stairlifts can prevent stair-related falls

Stair lifts enable seniors or disabled people to ascend and descend flights of stairs without climbing each step individually. Installing a stair lift is beneficial if your property has steps. With age comes a loss of muscle strength, and climbing stairs without assistance can be hazardous. Assistance could be an option if a stairlift is not available.

Exercise programs

There are plenty of activities that can provide muscle strength and equilibrium. Yoga is an excellent way to achieve balance, strength, and flexibility.

group exercising to prevent falling

Vision and hearing check

Watch for cracks in the sidewalks or alterations in the topography of the walkways. Be patient when crossing the roadway and always go outside with another person in case of an emergency. Bring equipment like a wheelchair, cane, or walker to maintain stabilization.

We want to raise awareness about the danger of falling and why a fall prevention assessment can be beneficial! Share this blog and take action by passing on this vital information. At Signature Healthcare, we care about your well-being. We can provide skilled nursing care  and physical therapy to ensure the safety of your loved one.

Call Signature 24/7 at 1 (800) 277-8291 for excellence in skilled and compassionate home health care.

caregiver helping women prevent a fall

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