A COVID-19 Local Success Story
Meet Jessie Garcia, a 67-year old widower, father, and former flooring contractor, from Missouri City, with a history of kidney disease, two strokes, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Signature has been caring for Jessie since the end of February, 2020. Two months later, during a routine assessment of Jessie in April, Signature’s nurse, Ronya, learned that Jessie had been experiencing recent mild dizziness and confusion, and upon examination, she heard fluid in his lungs. Aware of his underlying health conditions, recognizing some of the symptoms of COVID-19, and realizing that Jessie’s health was in serious jeopardy, Ronya immediately contacted Jessie’s primary care physician, and arranged for an ambulance and hospital admission.
After admission and a positive COVID-19 test, the treating physician gave Jessie only a 30% chance of survival. Indeed, the doctor explained that if Jessie had waited another day, he probably couldn’t have been saved.
Both Jessie, and his son, Jesse, credit Ronya and Signature Health Services’ team with “saving his life.” Jessie received outstanding care, first, at Memorial Hermann, then at Katy’s St. Catherine’s Hospital. Jessie was admitted to the ICU, but never went on a ventilator, and was treated with hydroxychloroquine. He was released after 12 days, to the care of his son and Signature Health Services at his son’s home.

Jesse is helping nurture his Dad back to health and both of the Garcias are singing the praises of Signature’s nurses and therapists, Ronya, Nichelle, Laquitta, and Chuk, touting their expertise, dedication, and compassion. Jesse boasts that under Signature’s care, his Dad’s blood sugar, blood pressure, and kidney disease are under control. Jesse is seeing daily improvement in his stamina, strength, and physical therapy skills, which are necessary to a full recovery from COVID-19.
Jessie remarked that “there are no words to explain how much Signature’s nurse, Nichelle, means to my Dad’s care and recovery. She gives him hope every visit.” Jesse, the son, said “there’s no way his Dad would be in the good position he’s in, without Chuk’s outstanding physical therapy skills and motivation, and the terrific help of Signature’s team.”
Jessie is living with his son now and gets out for daily walks in the backyard, and continues to steadily improve. His son says Jessie’s “spirits have never been higher.” Both Jessie and his son strongly recommend Signature without reservation to deliver the best in home healthcare and a COVID-19 recovery.
Please join the Garcias and Signature Health Services in saluting our experienced, compassionate, and skilled nurses and therapists for their COVID-19 care, and for saving lives and bringing comfort to our patients in the comfort of their own homes.
For more information on how Signature Health Services can provide you with the best in home healthcare, please call (800) 277-8291 or email information@signaturehealthservices.net.

We put the heal in healthcare
Monday – Sunday | 24 / 7 |
1 (800) 277-8291 (option 1)

I love all of my home health people.

All Signature staff as well as therapy were very helpful.

Their services have always been great.

I really love my physical therapist. Gary has helped me so much.

This has been one of the best agencies. Very caring nurses.

I’ve had a really good physical therapist and really nice nurses.

I have had excellent care & would recommended them to anyone.

Gary Dixon is the very best physical therapist in Baytown and Houston Area.